EAA Thor Amino Complex


15,9 mg of pure Amino Acids in daily serving

8500 mg of BCAA 2:1:1 in daily servings

Sugar free

Essential amino acids (EAAs) are a specific form of amino acids which the body cannot produce on its own and therefore either needs to come from our diet or an EAA supplement.

Amino acids are the building blocks of protein. Without the inclusion of all nine essential amino acids, you are limiting your true muscle-building potential by not allowing for proper muscle protein synthesis. Take your workouts, recovery, and results to the next level by utilizing the vast benefits and features found in AZGARD Nutrition EAA.

WHO USES Azgard Nutrition EAA? Thor Amino Complex?

Is a great tasting power packed performance and hydration beverage that will help reduce the onset of muscular fatigue during training as well as kick-start the recovery process essential to achieving your strength & fitness goals.

When rapid recovery is what you are after it delivers with a fast absorption rate that allows the rapid release of amino acids to be shuttled directly to your working muscles. Azgard Nutrition EEA is  scientifically studied in our labs and in third party labs  to be used by both men and women regardless of whether you are a fitness enthusiast.


It can be used any time of day. This includes, pre-workout, intra-workout, post-workout, and even during the day (such as between meals).

Comes in delicious flavours


Nutrition facts

Nutrition Value:                    1 portion (10g) 2 portion (20g)
L-isoleucine 1000 mg (50%*) 2000 mg (100%*)
L-leucine 1950 mg (50%*) 3900 mg (100%*)
L-lysine 1500 mg (50%*) 3000 mg (100%*)
L-methionine 500  mg (50%*) 1000 mg (100%*)
L-phenylalanine 750 mg (50%*) 1500 mg (100%*)
L-threonine 750 mg (50%*) 1500 mg (100%*)
L-tryptophan 200 mg (50%*) 400 mg (100%*)
L-valine 1300 mg (50%*) 2600 mg (100%*)